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Strike from the Shadows with the Raven Guard: A Comprehensive Guide to Warhammer 40k's Stealthy Sons of Deliverance

Strike from the Shadows with the Raven Guard: A Comprehensive Guide to Warhammer 40k's Stealthy Sons of Deliverance


Enter the shadowed realm of Deliverance and join the ranks of the Raven Guard, the masters of stealth and surprise in the grim darkness of the far future. In this guide, we'll unveil the mysterious history, stealthy tactics, and legendary heroes that define these enigmatic warriors of the Adeptus Astartes.

The Raven Guard: Masters of Stealth and Subterfuge Among the Space Marines

In the vast tapestry of the Space Marines, the Raven Guard weave a cloak of shadows and secrecy, striking from the darkness to deliver swift and deadly blows to their enemies. Renowned for their mastery of stealth and subterfuge, the Raven Guard are the unseen predators that stalk the fringes of the Imperium, striking fear into the hearts of those who would oppose them.

As Space Marines, the Raven Guard embody the virtues of cunning, agility, and adaptability. From their hidden enclaves in the wilds of Deliverance to the far reaches of the galactic void, the Raven Guard operate with surgical precision, their actions guided by the wisdom of their Primarch Corvus Corax.

History and Lore:

The saga of the Raven Guard begins on the desolate world of Deliverance, a world shrouded in darkness and mystery. Founded by the Primarch Corvus Corax, the Raven Guard quickly rose to prominence as the Emperor's silent hunters, their stealth and cunning unmatched by any who dared to oppose them.

Throughout the millennia, the Raven Guard have fought countless battles in the defence of humanity, their shadowy tactics and enigmatic nature earning them a fearsome reputation among their enemies. From the dark days of the Horus Heresy to the endless crusades against the enemies of mankind, the Raven Guard have remained steadfast in their duty, their loyalty to the Emperor never faltering.

Yet, for all their stealth and cunning, the Raven Guard are not without their flaws. Their reliance on hit-and-run tactics and guerrilla warfare has often placed them at odds with their fellow chapters, and their secretive nature has sometimes led to suspicion and mistrust among their allies. Nevertheless, their loyalty to the Emperor and their unwavering commitment to the defence of humanity remain unshaken, and the saga of the Raven Guard continues to inspire awe and admiration among all who hear it.

Tactics on the Tabletop:

The Raven Guard are renowned for their stealthy tactics and hit-and-run assaults on the tabletop battlefield. With a focus on lightning-fast strikes and surgical precision, the Raven Guard excel at catching their enemies off guard and striking from the shadows with deadly efficiency.

At the heart of the Raven Guard's tactics is their emphasis on stealth and surprise, embodied by their ability to infiltrate enemy lines and launch devastating ambushes. Units like the Reiver Squads and the Infiltrator Squads excel at infiltrating enemy territory and striking from unexpected angles, catching their foes off guard and leaving them reeling in confusion.

In addition to their stealthy tactics, the Raven Guard also boast formidable close combat prowess, thanks to units like the Vanguard Veterans and the Assault Squads. Armed with lightning claws and power weapons, these warriors are trained to strike swiftly and decisively, cutting down their foes with deadly efficiency before melting back into the shadows.

Another key aspect of the Raven Guard's tactics is their reliance on mobility and flexibility, allowing them to outmanoeuvre their enemies and strike where they are least expected. Units like the Jump Pack-equipped Assault Squads and the Raven Guard Primaris Reivers are able to cover vast distances in the blink of an eye, allowing them to strike deep into enemy territory and sow confusion and panic among their ranks.

Overall, the Raven Guard's tactics on the tabletop revolve around stealth, speed, and precision. By combining their stealthy infiltration tactics with lightning-fast strikes and surgical precision, the Raven Guard are able to outmanoeuvre and outflank their enemies with deadly efficiency, ensuring that victory is always within their grasp.

Historic Battles:

Throughout their long and enigmatic history, the Raven Guard have fought in countless battles that have shaped the destiny of the Imperium. Among their most legendary engagements is the Drop Site Massacre on Istvaan V during the Horus Heresy, where they were betrayed by their former allies and left to die in the fires of betrayal. Despite the overwhelming odds, the Raven Guard fought with unmatched valour and determination, their courage and sacrifice inspiring awe and admiration among all who witnessed their deeds.

Another iconic conflict in the Raven Guard's history is the Liberation of Corax during the Great Scouring, where they battled against the forces of chaos that threatened to overrun their homeworld of Deliverance. Led by their legendary hero, Kayvaan Shrike, the Raven Guard fought with unmatched ferocity and determination, their indomitable spirit and unwavering loyalty to the Emperor driving them ever onward to victory against the forces of darkness.

From the shadowed streets of Deliverance to the farthest reaches of the galaxy, the Raven Guard have carved out a legendary legacy for themselves, earning renown for their stealthy tactics and hit-and-run assaults. Their saga is one of courage and sacrifice, of honour and glory, and it will be remembered for eternity as a shining example of the indomitable spirit of humanity in the grim darkness of the far future.


The Raven Guard face a myriad of enemies in their eternal vigilance against the forces of darkness that threaten the Imperium. Foremost among these adversaries are the traitorous Chaos Space Marines, whose malevolent influence seeks to corrupt and destroy all that is pure and righteous in the galaxy. From the vile minions of the Chaos Gods to the mighty champions of chaos, the Raven Guard stand as silent hunters against the encroaching darkness, their stealth and cunning unmatched by any who dare to oppose them.

In addition to the forces of Chaos, the Raven Guard also contend with the relentless xenos hordes that seek to extinguish humanity's light. From the savage Orks to the cunning Eldar, the Raven Guard stand ready to defend the Imperium against all threats, their shadowy tactics and hit-and-run assaults striking fear into the hearts of their enemies as they stalk them from the shadows.

Whether striking from the shadows or launching lightning-fast assaults from unexpected angles, the Raven Guard are always ready to answer the call of duty and defend the Imperium with stealth and cunning. Theirs is a saga of shadows and secrets, of honour and glory, and it will be remembered for eternity as a shining example of the indomitable spirit of humanity in the grim darkness of the far future.


The Raven Guard boast a diverse array of units that make up their formidable arsenal, each specializing in stealthy tactics and hit-and-run assaults. At the forefront of their forces are the Reiver Squads and the Infiltrator Squads, stealthy warriors armed with bolt carbines and combat knives, they excel at infiltrating enemy territory and launching devastating ambushes from unexpected angles.

In addition to their infiltration units, the Raven Guard also field formidable close combat troops, such as the Vanguard Veterans and the Assault Squads. Armed with lightning claws and power weapons, these warriors are trained to strike swiftly and decisively, cutting down their foes with deadly efficiency before melting back into the shadows.

The Raven Guard also boast powerful ranged firepower, thanks to units like the Eliminator Squads and the Scout Squads. These warriors are armed with sniper rifles and missile launchers, capable of picking off enemy targets from a distance with deadly accuracy and precision.

With iconic units like the Raven Guard Primaris Reivers and the Raven Guard Primaris Intercessors at their command, the Raven Guard offer a wealth of options for players looking to customize their army to suit their playstyle. Whether you prefer stealthy infiltration tactics or lightning-fast assaults, the Raven Guard have something for everyone, making them a versatile and formidable force to reckon with on the tabletop battlefield.

Raven Guard Heroes:

Among the ranks of the Raven Guard stand legendary heroes whose deeds have earned them renown and glory throughout the Imperium. From the enigmatic Chapter Masters to the silent hunters of the Shadow Captains, these iconic warriors embody the stealth and cunning of their Primarch, Corvus Corax, and stand as shining beacons of hope amidst the darkness of the 41st millennium.

One such hero is Kayvaan Shrike, the shadowy master of guerrilla warfare and leader of the Raven Guard's elite Vanguard Veterans. Known for his lightning-fast strikes and deadly efficiency, Shrike has led his brethren to victory on countless battlefields, his silent approach and lethal precision inspiring awe and admiration among all who witness his deeds.

Another legendary hero of the Raven Guard is Corvus Corax himself, the enigmatic Primarch and master of stealth and sabotage. Clad in shadowy armour and wielding the legendary Raven's Talons, Corax is a formidable presence on the battlefield, his silent approach and lethal strikes striking fear into the hearts of his enemies as he leads the charge against the forces of darkness.

In addition to their Chapter Masters and Shadow Captains, the Raven Guard also boast powerful Librarians and Techmarines. These mighty warriors are able to harness the power of the warp and the secrets of technology to unleash devastating attacks upon their enemies and bolster the combat prowess of their fellow warriors.

Whether striking from the shadows with sword and blade or launching lightning-fast assaults from unexpected angles, the heroes of the Raven Guard are a force to be reckoned with on the tabletop battlefield. With their silent approach and deadly efficiency, they inspire their fellow warriors to acts of stealth and cunning, ensuring that the saga of the Raven Guard will be remembered for eternity as a shining example of the indomitable spirit of humanity in the grim darkness of the far future.

Pros and Cons in the Tabletop Game:


  • Stealthy tactics and hit-and-run assaults, allowing them to catch their enemies off guard and strike from unexpected angles.
  • Lightning-fast strikes and surgical precision, ensuring that they are always one step ahead of their foes and able to exploit weaknesses in their defences.
  • Formidable close combat prowess, courtesy of units like the Vanguard Veterans and the Assault Squads, capable of cutting down their foes with deadly efficiency before melting back into the shadows.
  • Versatile unit options, including iconic units like the Reiver Squads and the Infiltrator Squads, offering players a wealth of options for customizing their army to suit their playstyle.


  • Reliance on stealth and surprise may leave them vulnerable to enemy counter-attacks, requiring careful planning and positioning to maximize effectiveness.
  • Limited ranged firepower, making them susceptible to enemy shooting attacks and requiring support from other units to provide covering fire.
  • Complexity of army composition and tactics, requiring players to carefully balance their forces and strategy to achieve victory on the tabletop battlefield.
  • Fragile units and low durability, making them susceptible to enemy assaults and requiring careful positioning and maneuvering to minimize casualties.

Paint Colors and Scheme:

The iconic paint scheme of the Raven Guard captures the shadowy and stealthy nature of these enigmatic warriors of the Imperium. To recreate this striking look, start by priming your miniatures with a black spray primer to provide a solid base for painting. Once the primer is dry, apply a base coat of Abaddon Black to the armour panels, ensuring smooth and even coverage.

Next, add depth and dimension to the armour by dry brushing with a mix of Eshin Grey and Mechanicus Standard Grey to create highlights and shadows. This will help to enhance the details of the armour and give it a weathered and battle-worn appearance. Once the dry brushing is complete, use a fine detail brush to pick out the edges and raised areas of the armour with Administratum Grey to create a sense of depth and contrast.

For the trim and details, use colours like Leadbelcher and Retributor Armor to add metallic accents to the armour and weapons. For the Raven Guard's iconic black feathers and embellishments, use colours like Fenrisian Grey and Dawnstone to create a striking contrast against the black armour. Finally, apply a coat of matte varnish to protect your miniatures and give them a professional-looking finish.

With these simple techniques and colours, you can recreate the shadowy and stealthy aesthetic of the Raven Guard's iconic paint scheme, bringing your miniatures to life and capturing the enigmatic nature of these silent hunters of the Imperium.


In conclusion, the Raven Guard are a chapter like no other, embodying the shadowy and stealthy nature of their Primarch, Corvus Corax. With their stealthy tactics, legendary heroes, and iconic paint scheme, the Raven Guard continue to inspire awe and admiration among players and fans alike. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the hobby, the Raven Guard offer a thrilling and immersive experience that captures the enigmatic spirit of humanity in the grim darkness of the far future. So, strike from the shadows, brothers, and prepare to unleash the fury of the Raven Guard upon the enemies of the Imperium!

If you are interested in building a Space Marine Raven Guard army but you don't have the time to paint them yourself, then check out our current collection of painted Ultramarines on our store 

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