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Unleashing the Waaagh!: A Guide to Warhammer 40k Orks

Unleashing the Waaagh!: A Guide to Warhammer 40k Orks

Unleashing the Waaagh!: A Guide to Warhammer 40k Orks

In the grim darkness of the far future, the galaxy is a battlefield torn apart by endless war. Amidst the chaos and carnage, the Orks rampage across the stars, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Brutal, savage, and utterly relentless, the Orks are the undisputed masters of melee combat, their hulking greenskins and ramshackle war machines striking fear into the hearts of their enemies. Join us as we delve into the world of Warhammer 40k Orks and uncover the secrets of the Waaagh!

Origins of the Orks

The Orks, also known as Greenskins, are a race of brutish, warlike aliens who live for battle and conquest. Believed to have been created by the ancient beings known as the Old Ones during the time of the War in Heaven, the Orks have since spread across the galaxy, establishing countless feral empires and waging endless wars against all who stand in their way.

A Tale of Brutality and Conquest: The History and Lore of the Orks

In the grim darkness of the far future, the Orks are among the most fearsome and relentless warriors to ever stalk the stars. Born from the ancient wars of the War in Heaven, these brutish greenskins have spread across the galaxy like a virulent plague, leaving nothing but destruction and carnage in their wake. But what are the origins of these savage aliens, and how have they come to dominate the galaxy with their endless Waaagh!?

Origins: Born of Violence

The origins of the Orks are shrouded in mystery, lost amidst the aeons of time that separate the present from the distant past. It is believed that they were created by the ancient beings known as the Old Ones during the time of the War in Heaven, a cataclysmic conflict that engulfed the galaxy in fire and blood. Created as a warrior race to fight in the Old Ones' war against the Necrons and the C'tan, the Orks were imbued with an insatiable appetite for violence and conquest, their minds wired for battle and destruction.

Rise of the Waaagh!

With the collapse of the Old Ones' civilization and the onset of the Enslaver Plague, the Orks were set loose upon the galaxy, free to roam and conquer as they pleased. United by their shared love of violence and warfare, the Orks quickly formed into tribes and warbands, each led by the biggest and strongest among them. These warbands, known as Waaaghs!, swept across the stars like a tidal wave of destruction, laying waste to entire worlds and enslaving or annihilating all who stood in their path.

The Great Crusade

During the Great Crusade, the Orks clashed with the forces of the Imperium of Man in a series of brutal conflicts that spanned the galaxy. Led by the legendary Primarch Horus and his brother Primarchs, the forces of the Imperium waged a relentless war against the Orks, seeking to drive them back and reclaim the lost territories of humanity. But the Orks proved to be tenacious and resilient foes, their sheer numbers and ferocity overwhelming even the mightiest of Imperial armies.

The Age of Strife

With the onset of the Age of Strife and the collapse of the Emperor's dream of unity, the Orks once again rose to prominence, seizing the opportunity to launch new Waaaghs! and carve out empires of their own amidst the chaos and anarchy that engulfed the galaxy. Led by Warbosses of legendary cunning and strength, the Orks waged wars of conquest against each other and against the other races of the galaxy, their insatiable appetite for violence driving them ever onward in their quest for dominance.

Ghazghkull Thraka: Prophet of the Waaagh!

In the 41st millennium, one name stands above all others in the annals of Ork history: Ghazghkull Thraka, the self-proclaimed prophet of the Waaagh! and the greatest Warboss the galaxy has ever known. Rising from the ranks of his fellow Orks to unite the disparate tribes and warbands under his banner, Ghazghkull has led countless Waaaghs! against the Imperium, each more devastating than the last. With his unmatched tactical acumen and brutal combat prowess, Ghazghkull has become a figure of legend among the Orks, revered as a demigod by his followers and feared as a harbinger of destruction by his enemies.

The Eternal Waaagh!

Today, the Orks continue to roam the galaxy in search of battle and conquest, their Waaaghs! leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. From the desolate wastelands of Armageddon to the feral jungles of Catachan, the Orks wage war against all who stand in their way, their insatiable thirst for violence driving them ever onward in their quest for glory and domination. Though the forces of the Imperium and other races may seek to stem the tide of Ork aggression, the greenskins are an unstoppable force of nature, a relentless tide of brutality and carnage that knows no end.

Unleash the Green Tide: Effective Strategies for Ork Players

When commanding an Ork army on the tabletop battlefield, brute force and overwhelming numbers are your greatest assets. However, achieving victory with the greenskins requires more than just charging headlong into battle. Ork players must employ cunning tactics and strategic thinking to outmanoeuvre their opponents and crush them beneath the weight of the Waaagh! Here are some effective strategies for commanding Orks in the Warhammer 40k game:

Horde Warfare

The cornerstone of any Ork strategy is the use of overwhelming numbers to swamp the enemy. Fielding large mobs of Boyz supported by squads of Gretchin and fast-moving vehicles like Trukks and Battlewagons allows Ork players to control the battlefield through sheer numerical superiority. Use your hordes to capture objectives, screen your more valuable units, and overwhelm your opponents with a relentless tide of green-skinned fury.

Target Priority

While Orks excel in close combat, they are not without firepower. Units like Lootas, Tankbustas, and Mek Gunz provide Ork players with long-range firepower options that can soften up enemy units before the charge. When deploying your forces, identify high-priority targets such as enemy vehicles, heavy weapon teams, and elite infantry units, and focus your firepower on eliminating them before closing in for the kill with your melee units.

Speed and Maneuverability

Despite their brutish appearance, Orks are surprisingly fast and agile on the battlefield. Units like Warbikers, Deffkoptas, and Stormboyz allow Ork players to quickly outmaneuver their opponents and strike where they are least expected. Use your fast-moving units to harass enemy flanks, capture objectives, and tie up enemy units in close combat while your main Ork horde advances inexorably across the battlefield.

Psychic Powers

Though not known for their psychic prowess, Orks do have access to a unique psychic discipline known as "Waaagh! Energy." Led by the Weirdboyz, Ork psykers can tap into the collective psychic energy of the Waaagh! to unleash devastating powers on the battlefield. Abilities like "Da Jump" and "Warpath" allow Ork players to teleport units across the battlefield or boost their combat effectiveness, respectively, providing valuable strategic options in the midst of battle.

Embrace the Waaagh!

Above all else, Ork players must embrace the spirit of the Waaagh! – the collective psychic energy that fuels their aggression and drives them to ever greater acts of destruction. Unleash the full fury of the Waaagh! upon your enemies, inspiring your troops with the promise of glory and plunder, and crush all who stand in your way beneath the relentless tide of green-skinned fury.

The Green Tide: Ork Units in the Warhammer 40k Game

Ork armies are a diverse and formidable force on the tabletop battlefield, boasting a wide array of units ranging from hulking infantry mobs to ramshackle war machines. Each unit brings its own unique strengths and abilities to the battlefield, allowing Ork players to tailor their armies to suit their preferred style of play. Here are some of the key units that make up the Ork army:


At the heart of every Ork army are the Boyz, brutish warriors armed with choppas and sluggas, ready to charge headlong into battle. Boyz form the backbone of the Ork horde, overwhelming their enemies with sheer weight of numbers and crushing them in close combat. Equipped with a variety of weapon options and supported by Nobz and characters like Warbosses and Weirdboyz, Boyz are a versatile and effective unit in any Ork army.


Nobz are the elite warriors of the Ork army, clad in heavy armour and armed with deadly weapons like power klaws, big choppas, and kombi-weapons. Nobz lead Ork mobs into battle, inspiring their fellow Boyz with their presence and providing invaluable close combat support. With their high strength and toughness values, Nobz are able to shrug off enemy attacks and smash through even the most heavily-armoured opponents with ease.


Warbikers are fast-moving cavalry units armed with sluggas and choppas, capable of striking quickly and decisively against enemy infantry and vehicles alike. Warbikers excel at hit-and-run tactics, harassing enemy flanks and disrupting enemy formations before charging in for the kill. With their speed and agility, Warbikers are able to outmaneuver slower enemy units and control the battlefield with their lightning-fast strikes.


Deffkoptas are airborne assault units armed with twin-linked dakka guns and rokkits, capable of providing fire support from above or launching devastating assaults on enemy positions. Deffkoptas are highly mobile and versatile units, able to traverse difficult terrain with ease and strike where they are least expected. With their speed and firepower, Deffkoptas are able to disrupt enemy lines and tie up enemy units while the main Ork horde advances.


Lootas are Ork units armed with heavy weapons like Deffguns and Kustom Mega-blastas, capable of unleashing devastating firepower on enemy infantry and vehicles alike. Lootas excel at long-range shooting, providing Ork players with much-needed fire support to soften up enemy units before the charge. With their high strength and AP values, Lootas are able to punch through even the toughest enemy armour and lay waste to their foes from a distance.


Battlewagons are heavily-armoured transports and battle tanks, capable of transporting Ork infantry mobs across the battlefield while providing fire support with their onboard weapons. Battlewagons are highly customizable, with options for adding additional weapons, armour plating, and transport capacity. With their resilience and firepower, Battlewagons are able to deliver Ork mobs safely to the heart of the enemy lines, ready to unleash the full fury of the Waaagh!

Mek Gunz

Mek Gunz are Ork artillery units manned by Meks and Grots, armed with a variety of powerful weapons like kannons, lobbas, and smasha guns. Mek Gunz provide Ork players with long-range firepower options to support their infantry mobs and disrupt enemy formations from a distance. With their ability to target enemy units across the battlefield, Mek Gunz are invaluable assets for Ork players looking to control the flow of battle.


Stormboyz are Ork airborne assault units equipped with jump packs, armed with sluggas and choppas, and ready to descend upon their enemies with terrifying speed and ferocity. Stormboyz excel at hit-and-run tactics, using their jump packs to quickly traverse the battlefield and strike where they are least expected. With their ability to quickly engage enemy units and tie up enemy formations, Stormboyz are a versatile and deadly asset for Ork players.

Flash Gitz

Flash Gitz are elite Ork mercenaries armed with flashy and over-the-top weaponry like snazzguns, shootas, and kombi-weapons. Flash Gitz are highly skilled and well-equipped fighters, capable of unleashing devastating firepower on enemy infantry and vehicles alike. With their ability to lay down a hail of bullets and blasts, Flash Gitz are able to decimate enemy formations and clear the way for the Ork horde to advance.

Burna Boyz

Burna Boyz are Ork infantry units armed with burnas, deadly flamethrower weapons capable of engulfing enemy units in searing flames. Burna Boyz excel at close-range combat, using their flamethrowers to flush out enemy infantry from cover and clear out enemy positions with devastating firestorms. With their ability to ignore cover saves and inflict multiple hits on enemy units, Burna Boyz are a fearsome and relentless force on the battlefield.

Killa Kans

Killa Kans are hulking Ork walker units armed with a variety of deadly weapons like rokkits, big shootas, and power klaws. Killa Kans serve as heavy assault units, charging headlong into enemy lines and smashing through enemy formations with their massive power klaws. With their resilience and firepower, Killa Kans are able to absorb enemy fire and disrupt enemy formations, allowing the main Ork horde to advance and overwhelm the enemy.


Dakkajets are Ork fighter-bomber aircraft armed with an array of dakka weapons like twin-linked supa shootas, twin-linked big shootas, and rokkits. Dakkajets excel at providing air support for Ork ground forces, strafing enemy positions with their dakka weapons and launching devastating bombing runs on enemy formations. With their speed and firepower, Dakkajets are able to control the skies and dominate the battlefield from above.

Champions of the Waaagh!: Ork Heroes in Warhammer 40k

In the brutal and savage society of the Orks, strength and cunning are revered above all else. Those greenskins who rise to prominence as leaders and champions of their kind are known as Ork heroes, feared and respected by their fellow warriors and feared by their enemies. Here are some of the notable Ork heroes who have made their mark on the galaxy:


Warbosses are the biggest and strongest among the Orks, towering figures of brutal cunning and raw power who lead their tribes and warbands into battle with ruthless efficiency. Armed with massive power klaws, sluggas, and choppas, Warbosses inspire their fellow Orks with their presence and lead the charge into battle with unbridled ferocity. With their unmatched combat prowess and tactical acumen, Warbosses are the undisputed leaders of the Ork horde, driving their warriors to ever greater acts of destruction in the name of the Waaagh!


Weirdboyz are Ork psykers who possess a unique connection to the collective psychic energy of the Waaagh! Channeling this energy through their twisted minds, Weirdboyz are able to unleash devastating psychic powers on the battlefield, wreaking havoc on enemy formations and driving their foes to madness with their psychic onslaught. With their ability to harness the power of the Waaagh! and unleash it upon their enemies, Weirdboyz are invaluable assets for Ork warbands seeking to crush their foes beneath the relentless tide of green-skinned fury.


Painboyz are Ork medics and battlefield surgeons who possess a twisted fascination with pain and suffering. Armed with crude surgical implements and potent concoctions of stimulants and combat drugs, Painboyz are able to patch up wounded Orks and get them back into the fight with terrifying efficiency. With their ability to heal wounds and boost the combat effectiveness of their fellow warriors, Painboyz are essential members of any Ork warband, ensuring that the green tide continues to surge ever onward in the face of enemy fire.

Big Meks

Big Meks are Ork engineers and mechanics who possess an innate talent for tinkering with machinery and building devastating war machines. Armed with custom mega-blastas, power klaws, and kustom force fields, Big Meks are able to support their fellow Orks with powerful ranged and close combat weapons while also repairing damaged vehicles and fortifications on the battlefield. With their ability to build and maintain the tools of war, Big Meks are indispensable members of any Ork warband, ensuring that the green tide continues to roll inexorably onward towards victory.

Boss Zagstruk

Boss Zagstruk is a notorious Ork kommando who specializes in stealth and sabotage tactics. Armed with a pair of power stabbas and a custom-built jump pack, Zagstruk is able to infiltrate enemy lines and strike at the heart of their command structure with deadly precision. With his ability to sow chaos and confusion among enemy ranks, Zagstruk is a formidable foe on the battlefield, capable of turning the tide of battle with a single well-placed strike.

Ghazghkull Thraka

No discussion of Ork heroes would be complete without mentioning Ghazghkull Thraka, the self-proclaimed prophet of the Waaagh! and the greatest Warboss the galaxy has ever known. Rising from the ranks of his fellow Orks to unite the disparate tribes and warbands under his banner, Ghazghkull has led countless Waaaghs! against the Imperium, each more devastating than the last. With his unmatched combat prowess and tactical acumen, Ghazghkull has become a figure of legend among the Orks, revered as a demigod by his followers and feared as a harbinger of destruction by his enemies.

The Brutal Force of the Waaagh!: Strengths and Weaknesses of Orks in Warhammer 40k

Ork armies are a force to be reckoned with on the tabletop battlefield, boasting unparalleled close combat prowess, overwhelming numbers, and a diverse array of units. However, like any army, Orks have their own strengths and weaknesses that must be considered when planning strategy and tactics. Let's explore some of the key strengths and weaknesses of Orks in the Warhammer 40k game:


  1. Close Combat Prowess: Orks are among the most formidable close combat fighters in the game, boasting high strength and toughness values, as well as access to powerful melee weapons like power klaws and big choppas. Ork players can overwhelm their opponents with sheer brute force, smashing through enemy lines and carving a path of destruction with their hulking infantry mobs.

  2. Overwhelming Numbers: Ork armies excel at fielding vast numbers of troops, overwhelming their opponents with a relentless tide of green-skinned fury. With units like Boyz, Gretchin, and hordes of fast-moving vehicles, Ork players can control the battlefield through sheer numerical superiority, absorbing enemy firepower and overwhelming their foes in close combat.

  3. Customization and Flexibility: Ork armies are highly customizable, with a wide array of unit options and upgrade choices that allow players to tailor their armies to suit their preferred style of play. Whether fielding infantry mobs, fast-moving biker units, or heavy assault walkers, Ork players have a wealth of options at their disposal to adapt to changing battlefield conditions and outmaneuver their opponents.

  4. Psychic Powers: Orks have access to a unique psychic discipline known as "Waaagh! Energy," allowing them to channel the collective psychic energy of the Waaagh! to unleash devastating psychic powers on the battlefield. Abilities like "Da Jump" and "Warpath" provide Ork players with valuable strategic options for maneuvering their troops and boosting their combat effectiveness, adding an extra layer of versatility to Ork army tactics.


  1. Vulnerability to Shooting: While Orks excel in close combat, they can be vulnerable to long-range firepower and precision strikes from enemy units armed with heavy weapons and high ballistic skill values. Ork players must carefully maneuver their troops and use cover terrain to mitigate the effects of enemy shooting, or risk suffering heavy casualties before they can close the distance and engage in melee combat.

  2. Mobility Issues: Despite their fast-moving units like Warbikers and Deffkoptas, Ork armies can struggle with mobility issues on the tabletop battlefield, particularly when facing opponents with highly mobile armies or strong area denial tactics. Ork players must carefully plan their movements and use their limited mobility options to their advantage, or risk being outmaneuvered and isolated by their opponents.

  3. Reliance on Leadership: Ork mobs are led by the biggest and strongest among them, known as Nobz or Warbosses. While these leaders inspire their fellow Orks with their presence and provide valuable close combat support, they are also vulnerable to enemy attacks and can be targeted by precision strikes and assassination attempts. Ork players must protect their leaders and use them wisely, or risk losing the morale and cohesion of their army.

  4. Lack of Ranged Firepower: While Orks have access to a variety of ranged weapons like shootas, rokkits, and big shootas, they lack the long-range firepower and precision of other armies like the Astra Militarum or Space Marines. Ork players must rely on their close combat prowess and numerical superiority to carry the day, or risk being outgunned and overwhelmed by their opponents' superior firepower.

Step-by-Step Guide: Painting Warhammer 40k Orks

Step 1: Prepare Your Miniatures

Before you start painting, it's important to prepare your Ork miniatures properly. Clean any mold lines or imperfections with a hobby knife or file, and assemble your miniatures according to the instructions provided. Once assembled, prime your miniatures with Citadel Colour Chaos Black Spray to ensure that the paint adheres properly to the surface.

Step 2: Basecoat

Start by applying a basecoat of Waaagh! Flesh contrast paint to your Ork miniatures' skin using a large brush. Orks are traditionally depicted with green skin, and Waaagh! Flesh provides a quick and easy way to achieve a vibrant green basecoat. Apply it evenly across the skin areas of your miniatures, and allow it to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Step 3: Block in Details

Once the basecoat is dry, use a smaller brush to block in the details of your Ork miniatures. Paint the clothing, armor, and other accessories with appropriate colors from the Citadel Colour range, such as Mournfang Brown for leather, Leadbelcher for metal parts, and various shades of green, brown, and grey for cloth and other materials. Take your time and paint each area carefully, being careful not to overlap onto areas you've already painted.

Step 4: Shade

After blocking in the details, apply a wash of Biel-Tan Green shade to your Ork miniatures to add depth and definition to the colors. Biel-Tan Green provides a subtle green tint to the skin and helps to bring out the details of the model. Apply it generously to the entire miniature using a large brush, allowing the shade to settle into the recesses and crevices of the miniature.

Step 5: Highlight

Once the shade is dry, it's time to highlight your Ork miniatures to bring out the details and add depth to the colors. Use Warboss Green to highlight the raised areas of the skin, such as the muscles and prominent features, and lighter shades of the other colors to highlight the clothing, armor, and accessories. Apply the highlights sparingly and with a steady hand, focusing on the areas where the light would naturally fall.

Step 6: Details and Finishing Touches

With the main colors blocked in and highlighted, it's time to add the finishing touches to your Ork miniatures. Paint any remaining details, such as teeth, eyes, and weapon blades, using appropriate colors from the Citadel Colour range. Add any additional details, such as tattoos, scars, or weathering effects, to enhance the overall appearance of your miniatures. Finally, apply a coat of 'Ardcoat to any areas that you want to add shine or gloss to, such as teeth, eyes, or wet surfaces.

Step 7: Basing (Optional)

If you choose to base your Ork miniatures, now is the time to do so. Apply a layer of Agrellan Earth texture paint to the bases of your miniatures, then paint them to match the theme of your army using Citadel Colour paints. Add additional details like rocks, grass tufts, or debris to enhance the realism of your bases and bring your Ork army to life.

Conclusion: Embrace the Spirit of the Waaagh!

Warhammer 40k Orks are more than just a tabletop army; they're an embodiment of the chaotic and brutal nature of the 41st millennium. With their hulking green bodies, crude weaponry, and insatiable thirst for battle, Orks epitomize the unrelenting fury of the Waaagh! – a collective psychic energy that drives them to ever greater acts of destruction and carnage.

From the hordes of Boyz charging headlong into battle, to the thunderous roar of Dakkajets strafing enemy positions from above, Ork armies are a force to be reckoned with on the tabletop battlefield. Whether overwhelming their enemies with sheer numbers, outmaneuvering them with speed and agility, or unleashing devastating close combat assaults, Ork players have a wide range of tactics and strategies at their disposal to crush their foes beneath the relentless tide of green-skinned fury.

But beyond their raw strength and ferocity, Orks also embody a sense of irreverent fun and mischief that sets them apart from the grimdark seriousness of the Warhammer 40k universe. With their crude humour, slapdash machinery, and penchant for looting and pillaging, Orks bring a sense of anarchic energy and chaotic unpredictability to the tabletop, ensuring that no two battles are ever the same.

In the end, whether you're a seasoned Ork player looking to expand your Waaagh! with new units and tactics, or a newcomer eager to unleash the fury of the greenskins for the first time, Warhammer 40k Orks offer a wild and unpredictable ride through the grim darkness of the far future. So gather your Boyz, paint your Waaagh! banners, and prepare for battle – for in the grim darkness of the far future, there is only the Waaagh!

If you're interested in starting a ork army, then check out our current range of ork miniatures here

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