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The Astra Militarum: Guardians of the Imperium

The Astra Militarum: Guardians of the Imperium

The Astra Militarum: Guardians of the Imperium

In the sprawling expanse of the Warhammer 40K universe, where the threats to humanity are as numerous as the stars themselves, the Astra Militarum stands as the steadfast bulwark of the Imperium. Comprised of countless regiments of disciplined soldiers, the Astra Militarum is tasked with defending the Imperium's vast territories and waging war against its enemies.

A Brief Overview

The Astra Militarum, formerly known as the Imperial Guard, is the largest and most diverse fighting force in the Imperium of Man. Drawn from the countless worlds of the Imperium, its regiments are trained and equipped to wage war in the name of the God-Emperor. Whether facing the horrors of the Warp, the relentless advance of the Tyranids, or the insidious machinations of the heretic and the xenos, the Astra Militarum stands ready to defend humanity against all threats, no matter the cost.

History and Origins

The roots of the Astra Militarum can be traced back to the earliest days of the Imperium, when the Emperor of Mankind first began his Great Crusade to reunite humanity under his rule. As the Imperium expanded across the galaxy, so too did the need for a vast standing army to defend its borders and enforce its will. Over millennia, the Astra Militarum has fought in countless wars and conflicts, from the dark days of the Horus Heresy to the present age of unending war. Through it all, the soldiers of the Imperial Guard have remained steadfast in their duty, sacrificing their lives without hesitation to protect the Imperium and its citizens.


Tactical Strategies for Commanders of the Astra Militarum

In the ruthless crucible of the Warhammer 40K tabletop game, the Astra Militarum offers commanders a diverse array of tactical options to outmaneuver and overwhelm their adversaries. Whether facing hordes of alien xenos, traitorous heretics, or the insidious forces of Chaos, Astra Militarum commanders must leverage their vast military assets and strategic acumen to achieve victory on the battlefield.

1. Establishing Fire Lanes and Killing Fields

One of the key tactics employed by Astra Militarum players is the establishment of fire lanes and killing fields to maximize the effectiveness of their ranged firepower. By positioning infantry squads and heavy weapons teams in strategic locations with clear lines of sight to enemy targets, commanders can unleash devastating barrages of lasgun fire, artillery shells, and missile strikes upon their foes, inflicting heavy casualties and disrupting their advance.

2. Screening and Area Denial

Astra Militarum players often utilize screening units such as infantry squads and Scout Sentinels to deny their opponents' movement and control the flow of the battlefield. By deploying these units in key positions to block enemy advances and control objectives, commanders can force their adversaries into unfavourable engagements and dictate the pace of the battle.

3. Combined Arms Assaults

The Astra Militarum excels at combined arms warfare, leveraging the full spectrum of military assets at its disposal to achieve victory on the battlefield. Commanders must coordinate infantry assaults with armoured spearheads, artillery barrages, and close air support to overwhelm enemy defences and secure key objectives. By synchronizing their attacks and exploiting the strengths of each unit type, Astra Militarum players can achieve decisive victories against even the most formidable adversaries.

4. Objective Secured and Board Control

In objective-based game modes, Astra Militarum players must focus on controlling key objectives and denying their opponents' access to them. Units with the "Objective Secured" ability, such as infantry squads and Chimera transports, play a crucial role in securing objectives and holding them against enemy assaults. By carefully positioning their units and prioritizing objectives, commanders can secure victory through superior board control and strategic manoeuvring.

5. Strategic Reserves and Reinforcements

Astra Militarum players often utilize strategic reserves and reinforcements to bolster their forces and respond to changing battlefield conditions. Units such as Taurox Prime transports and Valkyrie gunships can deploy troops behind enemy lines or extract them from the battlefield with speed and precision. By keeping reserves in reserve and deploying them at opportune moments, commanders can surprise their opponents and turn the tide of battle in their favour.

6. Flexibility and Adaptability

Above all else, Astra Militarum players must remain flexible and adaptable in the face of ever-changing battlefield conditions. By assessing the strengths and weaknesses of their opponents and adjusting their tactics accordingly, commanders can exploit vulnerabilities and capitalize on opportunities to achieve victory. Whether through feints and diversions or lightning-fast counterattacks, Astra Militarum players must be prepared to adapt to any situation and emerge triumphant on the tabletop battlefield.

By mastering these tactical strategies and leveraging the strengths of their forces, commanders of the Astra Militarum can assert their dominance over the battlefield and lead their armies to victory in the grim darkness of the far future.

The Units of the Astra Militarum

The Astra Militarum, also known as the Imperial Guard, boasts a vast array of units, each with its own unique role and battlefield specialization. From the unyielding ranks of infantry regiments to the thunderous roar of armoured vehicles, the Astra Militarum fields a diverse and formidable fighting force capable of dominating the battlefield.

1. Infantry Squad

The backbone of the Astra Militarum, Infantry Squads are comprised of disciplined Guardsmen armed with lasguns and grenades. These versatile units can hold objectives, screen against enemy assaults, and provide a base of fire for heavier support units.

2. Leman Russ Battle Tank

The iconic Leman Russ Battle Tank is a heavily-armoured main battle tank armed with a variety of powerful weapons, including battle cannons, lascannons, and heavy bolters. These formidable war machines excel at engaging enemy armour and providing fire support for infantry assaults.

3. Heavy Weapons Team

Heavy Weapons Teams are dedicated anti-armour and fire support units armed with heavy weapons such as lascannons, missile launchers, and autocannons. These units provide long-range firepower and anti-tank capability to Astra Militarum armies.

4. Chimera Troop Transport

The Chimera Troop Transport is a versatile armoured personnel carrier capable of transporting infantry squads safely across the battlefield. Armed with a turret-mounted weapon and equipped with smoke launchers and a searchlight, the Chimera provides essential mobility and fire support for Astra Militarum forces.

5. Sentinel Scout Walker

The Sentinel Scout Walker is a nimble and agile reconnaissance and scouting vehicle armed with a variety of weapons, including multi-lasers, autocannons, and lascannons. These versatile walkers excel at harassing enemy forces and providing fire support for infantry units.

6. Basilisk Artillery Gun

The Basilisk Artillery Gun is a long-range artillery piece capable of delivering devastating barrages of shells upon enemy positions with pinpoint accuracy. Armed with a massive Earthshaker Cannon, the Basilisk can soften up enemy defences and pave the way for infantry assaults.

7. Wyvern Suppression Tank

The Wyvern Suppression Tank is a dedicated anti-infantry artillery platform armed with multiple twin-linked autocannons. Capable of unleashing a torrent of high-explosive shells upon enemy infantry formations, the Wyvern excels at clearing enemy troops from objectives and fortifications.

8. Taurox Prime

The Taurox Prime is a fast and agile armoured transport capable of transporting Astra Militarum infantry squads into battle with speed and precision. Armed with a variety of weapon options, including autocannons and missile launchers, the Taurox Prime provides essential mobility and fire support for Astra Militarum forces.

9. Cadian Shock Troops

Cadian Shock Troops are elite infantry regiments hailing from the Fortress World of Cadia. Known for their discipline and determination, Cadian Shock Troops are highly skilled and well-equipped soldiers capable of holding the line against even the most determined enemy assaults.

10. Valkyrie Assault Carrier

The Valkyrie Assault Carrier is a versatile air transport capable of deploying Astra Militarum troops behind enemy lines or extracting them from the battlefield with speed and precision. Armed with a variety of weapons, including missile pods and multi-lasers, the Valkyrie provides essential air support for ground forces.

11. Manticore Missile Launcher

The Manticore Missile Launcher is a long-range artillery platform armed with multiple missile launchers capable of delivering devastating barrages of guided missiles upon enemy positions. With its immense firepower and range, the Manticore can obliterate enemy armour and fortifications from afar.

12. Lord Commissar

The Lord Commissar is a stern and uncompromising officer tasked with maintaining discipline and morale within Astra Militarum ranks. Armed with a bolt pistol and power sword, the Lord Commissar leads by example and inspires his troops to fight with unwavering courage and determination.

13. Baneblade Super-Heavy Tank

The Baneblade Super-Heavy Tank is the pinnacle of Astra Militarum armoured warfare, armed with a variety of devastating weapons including battle cannons, demolisher cannons, and lascannons. Capable of obliterating entire enemy formations with its immense firepower, the Baneblade is a fearsome sight on the battlefield.

14. Tech-Priest Enginseer

The Tech-Priest Enginseer is a member of the Adeptus Mechanicus tasked with maintaining and repairing Astra Militarum vehicles and machinery. Skilled in the mysteries of technology and machine lore, the Tech-Priest ensures that the war machines of the Imperial Guard remain in optimal condition for battle.

15. Astropath

The Astropath is a psyker of the Astra Militarum gifted with the ability to communicate across vast distances through the warp. Using their psychic powers, Astropaths relay messages and coordinate military operations, ensuring that Astra Militarum forces are always in communication with command elements and allies across the galaxy.


Heroes of the Astra Militarum: Legends of Valour and Sacrifice

In the grim darkness of the far future, where the enemies of humanity are as numerous as the stars themselves, the Astra Militarum stands as the first and last line of defence against the encroaching darkness. Within the ranks of the Imperial Guard, there are countless heroes whose deeds of valour and sacrifice are celebrated in song and story across the Imperium. From the battle-scarred veterans of countless campaigns to the legendary commanders who lead them, these heroes embody the indomitable spirit of the Astra Militarum and inspire their fellow soldiers to greatness.

Colonel "Iron Hand" Straken

One of the most legendary heroes of the Astra Militarum is Colonel "Iron Hand" Straken, the grizzled and battle-hardened commander of the Catachan Jungle Fighters. Known for his fearless leadership and unyielding resolve, Straken has led his regiment to victory in countless battles against the enemies of the Imperium. Wielding his power fist with deadly precision, Straken leads from the front, inspiring his troops to fight with unmatched ferocity and determination.

Lord Castellan Creed 

Another renowned hero of the Astra Militarum is Lord Castellan Creed, the strategic genius and master tactician who leads the defence of the Fortress World of Cadia. With his keen intellect and unwavering resolve, Creed has thwarted countless enemy assaults and repelled invasion after invasion from the forces of Chaos. Using his famous catchphrase, "I have a plan," Creed outmaneuvers his foes and leads his troops to victory against all odds, earning the respect and admiration of his fellow commanders and soldiers alike.

Commissar Yarrick

Commissar Sebastian Yarrick is a living legend of the Astra Militarum, renowned for his unshakeable courage and iron will in the face of the enemy. As the sworn nemesis of the Ork Warlord Ghazghkull Thraka, Yarrick has faced the greenskin hordes time and again, leading his troops to victory against impossible odds. With his bionic eye and power klaw, Yarrick strikes fear into the hearts of his enemies, inspiring his fellow Guardsmen to stand firm in the face of the greatest threats to humanity.

Sergeant "Harker" of the Catachan Jungle Fighters

Sergeant "Harker" of the Catachan Jungle Fighters is a legendary hero of the Astra Militarum, known for his unparalleled skill in jungle warfare and his unerring marksmanship with his sniper rifle. As a veteran of countless campaigns on the death world of Catachan, Harker has honed his skills to perfection, stalking his prey with deadly precision and striking from the shadows with lethal efficiency. With his trademark cigar clenched between his teeth, Harker leads his squad on daring reconnaissance missions and devastating ambushes, earning the fear and respect of his enemies alike.


Strengths and Weaknesses of the Astra Militarum on the Tabletop Battlefield

The Astra Militarum, with its vast array of units and strategic options, possesses several key strengths and weaknesses that commanders must consider when fielding their armies on the tabletop battlefield.


  1. Superior Numbers: One of the greatest strengths of the Astra Militarum is its ability to field large numbers of troops, allowing commanders to overwhelm their opponents with sheer numerical superiority. With units like Infantry Squads and Conscripts, Astra Militarum players can control the battlefield through sheer force of numbers.

  2. Versatility: The Astra Militarum boasts a wide array of units and tactics, allowing commanders to adapt to any battlefield scenario. Whether deploying infantry squads for objective-holding, armoured vehicles for fire support, or artillery for long-range bombardment, Astra Militarum players have the tools they need to deal with any threat.

  3. Heavy Firepower: The Astra Militarum possesses some of the most powerful ranged firepower in the game, with units like Leman Russ Battle Tanks, Basilisk Artillery Guns, and Wyvern Suppression Tanks capable of delivering devastating barrages upon enemy positions. With their formidable firepower, Astra Militarum players can punch through enemy defences and decimate their ranks with ease.

  4. Leadership and Morale: Astra Militarum units benefit from strong leadership and morale, with abilities like "Old Grudges" and "Voice of Command" allowing commanders to inspire their troops and boost their effectiveness in battle. With their unshakeable resolve and unwavering courage, Astra Militarum units are able to withstand even the most punishing assaults and hold the line against overwhelming odds.


  1. Low Armour Saves: Despite their formidable firepower, many Astra Militarum units have relatively low armour saves, making them vulnerable to high-strength and armour-piercing attacks. Units like Infantry Squads and Chimera Troop Transports can be easily overwhelmed by concentrated enemy fire, forcing commanders to protect them with screening units and cover.

  2. Limited Mobility: While the Astra Militarum boasts powerful armoured vehicles like Leman Russ Battle Tanks and Taurox Primes, many of its infantry units are relatively slow and lack mobility compared to other factions. This can make it difficult for Astra Militarum players to maneuver their forces effectively and respond to rapidly changing battlefield conditions.

  3. Vulnerability to Close Combat: Despite their prowess at ranged warfare, many Astra Militarum units are vulnerable to close combat assaults from enemy units with superior melee capabilities. Units like Catachan Jungle Fighters and Bullgryns can provide some close combat support, but commanders must be cautious when engaging in melee combat and prioritize keeping their distance from enemy assault units.

  4. Limited Psychic Abilities: Unlike some other factions, the Astra Militarum has limited access to psychic abilities and psychic defence, making them vulnerable to psychic attacks from enemy psykers. While units like Astropaths can provide some psychic support, Astra Militarum players must rely primarily on their conventional firepower and tactics to counter enemy psykers and psychic abilities.

Understanding and leveraging the strengths of the Astra Militarum while mitigating their weaknesses is essential for commanders to achieve victory on the tabletop battlefield. By carefully planning their strategies and deploying their forces effectively, Astra Militarum players can overcome any challenge and emerge triumphant in the grim darkness of the far future.


Colour Schemes of the Astra Militarum: Regiments of the Imperium

The Astra Militarum, with its vast regiments drawn from countless worlds across the Imperium, displays a wide variety of colour schemes and heraldry that reflect the diversity of its forces. From the icy tundras of Valhalla to the death worlds of Catachan, each regiment of the Astra Militarum proudly bears its own colours and symbols, signifying its allegiance and heritage.

Cadian Shock Troops

The Cadian Shock Troops, hailing from the Fortress World of Cadia, are perhaps the most iconic regiment of the Astra Militarum. Clad in distinctive fatigues of dark green and tan, Cadian Guardsmen are instantly recognizable on the battlefield. Their uniforms often bear regimental insignia and squad markings, while their helmets are adorned with skull motifs and Cadian crests, reflecting their martial pride and unyielding resolve.

Catachan Jungle Fighters

The Catachan Jungle Fighters, born and bred on the deadly death world of Catachan, adopt a more rugged and utilitarian colour scheme suited to their harsh environment. Clad in camouflage fatigues of various shades of green and brown, Catachan Guardsmen blend seamlessly into their jungle surroundings, making them deadly ambush predators on the battlefield. Their uniforms are often adorned with jungle foliage and tribal tattoos, reflecting their close bond with the wilderness of their homeworld.

Armageddon Steel Legion

The Armageddon Steel Legion, hailing from the industrial hive world of Armageddon, dons a uniform of dark grey and red, reminiscent of the molten steel and ash that cover their world. Clad in heavy trench coats and gas masks, Armageddon Guardsmen are well-equipped to endure the toxic fumes and pollution of their industrial environment. Their uniforms often bear industrial hazard symbols and hive city crests, reflecting their origins amidst the smoke and fire of Armageddon's vast manufactorums.

Mordian Iron Guard

The Mordian Iron Guard, hailing from the fortress world of Mordian, adopts a more regimented and disciplined colour scheme befitting their rigid military culture. Clad in uniforms of deep blue and silver, Mordian Guardsmen cut striking figures on the battlefield, their polished dress uniforms and parade-ground precision reflecting their commitment to martial excellence. Their uniforms often bear intricate patterns and decorative flourishes, while their helmets are adorned with plumes and visors, lending them an air of aristocratic authority.

Tallarn Desert Raiders

The Tallarn Desert Raiders, native to the arid deserts of Tallarn, adopt a desert camouflage colour scheme suited to their harsh environment. Clad in sandy tan and desert brown fatigues, Tallarn Guardsmen blend seamlessly into the desert sands, making them formidable ambush predators and guerrilla fighters. Their uniforms often bear tribal symbols and desert camouflage patterns, while their helmets are adorned with goggles and scarves, protecting them from the blistering desert winds and sands.

Vostroyan Firstborn

The Vostroyan Firstborn, hailing from the industrial world of Vostroya, adopts a distinctive and ornate colour scheme reminiscent of their feudal and aristocratic heritage. Clad in deep red and gold-trimmed dress uniforms, Vostroyan Guardsmen cut imposing figures on the battlefield, their ornate regalia and polished weapons reflecting their proud martial tradition. Their uniforms often bear intricate patterns and heraldic symbols, while their helmets are adorned with plumed crests and ornamental facemasks, lending them an air of nobility and authority.

Step-by-Step Guide: Painting Astra Militarum Infantry

Step 1: Preparation

Before you begin painting, ensure your miniature is clean and free from any mold lines or imperfections. Use a hobby knife and file to carefully remove any excess plastic or metal, and wash the miniature with warm, soapy water to remove any residue or oils. Once dry, prime the miniature with a suitable primer spray to provide a smooth surface for painting.

Step 2: Basecoat

Start by applying a basecoat of your chosen colour to the entire miniature. For Astra Militarum infantry, a common basecoat colour is Cadian Fleshtone for the skin, followed by a uniform colour such as Cadian Green for the fatigues. Use a fine detail brush to carefully apply the basecoat, ensuring even coverage over the entire miniature.

Step 3: Detailing

Once the basecoat is dry, begin adding details to the miniature using different colours for each element. Paint the armour plates with colours like Mechanicus Standard Grey or Leadbelcher, and the weapons with colours like Abaddon Black or Gunmetal. Use a small brush to carefully paint the details, taking care to avoid smudging or overlapping colours.

Step 4: Wash

Apply a wash to the entire miniature to add depth and definition to the details. For Astra Militarum infantry, a common wash colour is Agrax Earthshade, which provides a warm, earthy tone to the fatigues and armour. Use a large brush to apply the wash liberally over the entire miniature, allowing it to settle into the recesses and crevices for maximum effect.

Step 5: Highlights

Once the wash is dry, use a lighter shade of each colour to highlight the raised areas and edges of the miniature. For example, highlight the edges of the armour plates with colours like Administratum Grey or Ironbreaker, and the edges of the fatigues with colours like Ogryn Camo or Elysian Green. Use a fine detail brush to carefully apply the highlights, focusing on areas where light would naturally catch.

Step 6: Basing

Finally, base the miniature to complete the painting process. Apply a textured paint or modelling paste to the base of the miniature, and once dry, paint it with a suitable basecoat colour such as Stirland Mud or Astrogranite Debris. Add additional details like grass tufts, rocks, or debris to enhance the base and bring the miniature to life.

Step 7: Varnish (Optional)

For added protection and durability, consider applying a varnish coat to the miniature once the paint is dry. Use a matte varnish for a natural finish, or a gloss varnish for a shiny, reflective surface. Apply the varnish spray in thin, even coats, allowing each coat to dry completely before applying the next.


Conclusion: The Defenders of Humanity

In the grim darkness of the far future, where the enemies of mankind are as numerous as the stars themselves, the Astra Militarum stands as the first and last line of defence against the encroaching darkness. Comprised of countless regiments drawn from across the Imperium, the Imperial Guard represents the strength, determination, and sacrifice of humanity in the face of unimaginable adversity.

From the icy tundras of Valhalla to the death worlds of Catachan, the soldiers of the Astra Militarum proudly bear their colours and symbols into battle, each regiment a testament to the indomitable spirit of the human race. With their superior numbers, versatile tactics, and unwavering courage, the Imperial Guard confronts the myriad threats that seek to extinguish humanity's light in the grim darkness of the far future.

But the Astra Militarum is more than just a fighting force; it is a symbol of hope and resilience in a galaxy consumed by war. From the legendary heroes who lead their troops into battle to the humble Guardsmen who stand steadfast against the tide of darkness, the soldiers of the Imperial Guard embody the virtues of duty, honour, and sacrifice that define humanity's struggle for survival.

As the Imperium teeters on the brink of annihilation, the Astra Militarum remains steadfast in its commitment to defend humanity against all odds. With their unyielding courage, unwavering loyalty, and unshakeable determination, the soldiers of the Imperial Guard stand ready to face whatever horrors the galaxy may throw at them, secure in the knowledge that they fight not only for the Emperor and the Imperium, but for the survival of humanity itself.

In the grim darkness of the far future, where there is only war, the Astra Militarum stands as a shining beacon of hope amidst the darkness, a testament to the enduring spirit of humanity in the face of unimaginable adversity.

If you are interested in starting a astra militarum army then check out our current range of astra militarum models here
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